Saturday, August 18, 2007

Please Pray For Us...

Please pray for us. I am in the process of moving. My husband and kids have always wanted to live in Viola (for some reason?). So last Saturday we took our oldest son, Zackary, to Viola Homecoming to meet his friend and low and behold this house my husband looked at a while back was for rent. Remember I said last Saturday. We looked at it that afternoon and signed a lease on Monday night. I started packing on Tuesday. I worked Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Meanwhile I packed a little every night. Well my husband insisted that we be in this weekend. Mind you he has been on the road since Tuesday morning. That's not the worst of it. Movings bad, but the story gets much worse. On his way home from Brooklyn, N.Y. he gets sick. He made it just outside of D.C. (barely into Virginia) before he could not drive anymore. I told him to get something to eat and go to bed. Well he did and woke up this morning worse. He toughened it out until about 5 p.m. this evening before he agreed to let me call Highway Patrol to help him get to the hospital. When the Va. Highway patrolman got to him, he immediately called an ambulance. I just talked to him and they are giving him a blood transfusion. So please keep my hubby in your prayers. I am waiting to hear back from the hospital, after they give him the transfusion and they know more about what is wrong, before I may have to make my way (900 miles) to Virginia.


Alison Cummins said...

Oh my goodness girl...Please keep me posted. If you need anything, let me know. I will talk to you soon.


Sheila said...

You and your family are in our prayers Shannon, if I can help you please let me know...God bless

Sheila said...

Shannon give us an update, how are things going? I have kept your family in my daily prayers...

LeAnne Grissom said...

Shannon, I hope David is feeling better. If I can do anything please let me know. You all will be in our prayers.