Tuesday, September 4, 2007


What a couple of weeks that my family has had!!!!! I guess you know from my last post that we are moving from Mcminnville to Viola. My husband got really sick in Virginia(he is a truck driver) and was hospitalized. After receiving 7 pints of blood and having an ulcer cauterized, they sent him on his way. His way, mind you, is 10 hours from Mcminnville. He got home around 3 p.m. on Thursday (August ). He literally fell out of his semi. I panicked and begged him to let me take him to Riverpark Hospital but he wanted to see our new house. When we got home it wasn't long before he agreed to go because he was in so much pain. I have never been seen so fast at Riverpark as he was that night. I can't imagine the look on my face when I ran in there. David was sooooo pale and weak that he almost fell out of the wheel chair. ***** Special thanks to Shawna Wiley**** who took charge and knew just what to do. David was in shock from lose of blood and she went into action fast. We spent Thur. and Fri. in Riverpark and he received 4 more pints of blood(11 total) and was seen by a surgeon who hoped that maybe Virginia hospital did not give him enough blood. But on Saturday morning (about 6 a.m.) our nurse informed us his hemoglobin was 17 and they were moving him to ICU. I FREAKED out. How could his blood count be lower when they were putting blood into him? I knew he must be loosing blood fast from somewhere. I asked that he be moved to Nashville, just because they are bigger and have more doctors. By 9:30 a.m. we were in St. Thomas Hospital. Around 11 a.m. we were waiting on a gastrologist and surgeon to run the scope and see where the blood was coming from. A respiratory therapist was in our room because David had become dependant on oxygen at Riverpark. I look down at David and knew something wasn't right. The nurses immediately went into action and rushed him to ICU. Me and David's family sat in the waiting room waiting to hear what was going on. I can honestly say that was the scariest moment in my life. The gastrologist ran the scope and discovered that an aneurysm has burst in his stomach (probably in the room when we got to St. Thomas. (Thank God! ) and he had a weak spot in his stomach that was seeping blood and he required immediate surgery. He was hemorrhaging by then. They let me go in and speak to him for a minute before he was taken to surgery. Whew what an emotional wreck I was. But I was trying to be strong because I knew he was scared to death. He had 3 surgeons, a cardiologist, a gastrologist and 3 other surgeons go in with him. He was in surgery for about 3 hours. Periodically the surgical nurse would call and let us know how he was doing but when the surgeon called and said that the bleeding was stopped, what a relief. Not only did he had the aneurysm, the weak spot (that they patched), he also had a small tear, and another bleeding ulcer. I can only imagine his hemoglobin level when they took him back for surgery. During surgery he received 4 more pints for a total of 17 pints (in a week). It amazes me that he made it home from his trip. I believe God wanted him home with his family and must have given him the strength to make it home. He has a big scar from his chest to his waist line but he's not bleeding anymore and gaining strength. He got out this past Thursday and we go back tomorrow to have his 33 staples taken out and to have his blood checked again. I am sure that everything is ok. We have gotten unpacked and are enjoying our new place, FINALLY. Thanks for all of the prayers!!!!!


Alison Cummins said...

I am so glad that your life is back to normal. I know you are exhausted. Let me know if there is anything I can do!!

Sheila said...

Shannon I hope all is well. Let us know how things are going...