Sunday, February 17, 2008


I have been a really bad blogger lately. Alot has been going on. I have been working alot here lately. I have enjoyed our winter break. Zack is still battleing Mono. He had to have an ultrasound, due to his swollen spleen last week, and more blood work. The results were o.k. so we will repeat them on the 25th ,and if he is feeling well and his blood work is better, he may be able to go back to school. The child has been to school 3 and a half days since Christmas break. He hates missing school. It is messing up his social life. It amazes me that Michael and I don't have it. I hope when we go back to school on Tuesday that everyone is better. So many illnessess have been going around at our school. Our family is considering make a few changes, buying the house we live in is one. I am comfortable in this decision. Please pray that we make the right choices and that it will affect our family in a positive way. Change scares me. I plan to post some new pics soon. Don't give up on me, I promise to be a better blogger.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Hello stranger! lol We have missed you, and you are NOT a bad blogger! You are a very busy wife and mother. It is good to get an update on your sweet family. I know you will make the right decision on the purchase of the house, I am so excited for you and your family! It is really nice to get to live there and figure out if it is the one you want. Good luck and I hope you have a wonderful week!